Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Avoid Bank Fees With a Prepaid Debit Card

By David T. Andrews Platinum Quality Author

Okay, if you have a bank account you know about bank fees. You know what I mean, late fees, overdraft fees, etc. You also know that most of these types of charges sneak up on you and catch you unawares. That's because there are just so darn many fees and it's not in the bank's best interest to make you aware of all of them or how they really work.

The banks job is to maximize revenue and now that most of their revenue comes from fees, that means more fees. And also, the less aware you are of how these costs are actually applied, the more likely you are to run into them. That's all good for the banks.

However, you can avoid a lot of bank fee issues by switching to a prepaid debit card.

Reloadable debit cards come with their own set of fees of course, but they're fewer in number than the bank versions and more straightforward in nature. For instance you won't be charged any overdraft fees on your card because you simply can't spend over your limit. You will be charged every time you reload the card (unless you set up a direct deposit load) and you will be charged a monthly maintenance fee. But these expenses will usually run in the $3.00 to $5.00 range each and won't fluctuate like interest rates or hide in the fine print like various late fees.

You should give one a try. They're easy to get your hands on because they're at most retail stores. And you can just load a small amount of money at first to test them out. If you don't like how they work, you can simply spend the balance out on the card and never reload it again. In other words, you can just walk away from it. They can sure help you avoid all those pesky bank fees.

David T. Andrews is the author/owner of PrepaidDebitCardsOnline.com.

Visit his site to learn more about avoiding bank fees and keeping more of your own money.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_T._Andrews

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